Turnbull China Bikeride
Turnbull China Bikeride - Disc 1.iso
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4,464 lines
Y8888bo .d88oo
88[ 88[ d8` ‘8
88[ ]8P ]8P ‘[
88[ 88` .ooo .oo. d8[ `.oo, oo.oo oo, .o,oo oo.o ooo .oo. .oo.
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v1.64 4th June 1995
Program and documentation by
Cy Booker
86 Church View
Main Road
Internet: bc@cheepnis.demon.co.uk
Arcade BBS (Fidonet#2:254/27.0): Cy Booker
Musical entertainment provided by Frank Zappa
============================================================ BasCompress ====
[1] Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
[1.1] Disclaimer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
[1.2] Synopsis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
[1.3] Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
[1.4] Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
[1.5] Compressing your first file . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
[1.6] Example speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
[1.7] Example compression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
[2] BasCompress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
[2.1] Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
[2.2] Jargon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
[2.3] Basic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
[2.4] Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
[2.5] SWI’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
[2.6] Star commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
[2.7] Assembler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
[2.8] Routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
[2.8.1] Main program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
[2.8.2] Start and end of a routine . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
[2.8.3] Routine end detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
[2.8.4] END and ERROR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
[2.8.5] LOCAL ERROR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
[2.9] Multi-line structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
[2.10] Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
[2.10.1] Multiply-defined routines in libraries . . . . . . 11
[2.11] Label reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
[2.12] Line numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
[2.12.1] Output line numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
[2.13] Multi-line output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
[2.14] DATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
[2.15] Re-compressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
[2.16] Constant variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
[2.16.1] Caveat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
[2.17] ASC compression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
[2.18] Overlays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
[2.18.1] Overlay specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
[2.18.2] Inline comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
[2.18.3] Example of overlays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
[2.18.4] OVERLAYs and re-compressing . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
[2.19] NEXT compression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
[2.20] Keeping initial REM statements . . . . . . . . . . 18
[2.21] TOP handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
[3] Cross-referencing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
[3.1] Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
[3.1.1] What’s cross-referenced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
[3.1.2] What’s output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
[3.1.3] Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
[3.2] Level of detail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
[3.2.1] Routine definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
[3.2.2] Routine calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
[3.2.3] Routine called by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
[3.2.4] Variable declaration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
[3.2.5] Variable assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
[3.2.6] Variable reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
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[3.3] Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
[4] The front end . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
[4.1] Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
[4.1.1] Installing throwback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
[4.2] Starting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
[4.3] Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
[4.3.1] Icon bar icon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
[4.4] Control window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
[4.5] Main menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
[4.6] Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
[4.7] Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
[4.8] Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
[4.9] Special files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
[4.10] Cross-reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
[4.11] Choices Dialogue Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
[5.1] Invoking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
[5.2] Installing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
[5.3] Environment variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
[5.3.1] DDEUtils and long command lines . . . . . . . . . . 35
[5.4] The CLI parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
[5.4.1] Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
[5.4.2] Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
[] Output listing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
[5.4.3] Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
[5.4.4] Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
[5.4.5] Cross-reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
[] What gets cross-referenced . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
[] How much cross-referencing to be done . . . . . . . 39
[] Order of cross-referencing . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
[5.5] Error handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
[5.6] Escape handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
[5.7] Hourglass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
[6] Special files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
[6.1] Why need special files? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
[6.2] The Special file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
[6.3] Format of a Special file . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
[6.3.1] Defining routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
[6.3.2] Defining globals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
[6.3.3] Labels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
[] Verbatim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
[] Comma separated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
[] Full pathname . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
[] Wimp menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
[6.3.4] Variables as regular expressions . . . . . . . . . 45
[] Example patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
[] Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
[6.3.5] Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
[6.3.6] Overlays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
[6.3.7] Include files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
[6.4] Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
[7] Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
[7.1] Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
[7.2] Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
[7.3] Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
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[7.4] Run-time errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
[7.4.1] Unknown or missing variable . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
[7.4.2] No such function/procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
[7.4.3] Missing ENDIF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
[7.4.4] Invalid RETURN actual parameter . . . . . . . . . . 59
[7.4.5] Syntax error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
[7.4.6] Logical errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
[7.5] Internal errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
[8] Loose ends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
[8.1] Memory usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
[8.2] Missing THEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
[8.3] Cross-reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
[8.4] Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
[8.5] Uncompressed output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
[8.6] Label reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
[8.7] Executable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
[A] Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
[A.1] Internationalism united . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
[A.2] Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
[B] Regular expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
[B.1] Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
============================================================ BasCompress ====
[1] Overview
[1.1] Disclaimer
This program is supplied “as is”. No warranty, express or implied,
of the merchantability of this program or its fitness for any
particular purpose is given. In no circumstances shall the author,
or any provider or distributor of this program, be liable for any
damage, loss of profits, or any indirect or consequential loss
arising out of the use of this program.
[1.2] Synopsis
BasCompress takes as input a tokenised basic file, analyses it on a
routine-by-routine basis, and outputs a cross-reference and a
compressed tokenised basic file.
(It was written because none of the currently available Basic
squashers handled the side effects of EVAL, removed unused routines,
or discarded the junk inbetween routines, and they were all far too
It consists of two programs, a Wimp-based front end, and a CLI-based
back end. The former is ideal for occasional use, while the later is
better for scripts, make files, etc..
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[1.3] Features
The main features of BasCompress can be summarised as follows:
• Checks all multi-line IFs have a matching ENDIF
• Checks all CASE’s have a matching ENDCASE
• Checks all WHILE’s have a matching ENDWHILE
• Checks the ellipsis/quotes/brackets on each statement
• It doesn’t balk at the use of line numbers (too much)
• Loads in explicit LIBRARY files
• Checks every routine exits cleanly
• Checks for multiply-defined routines
• Produces a full cross-reference on all variables and
routines, with four levels of detail, and user-definable
• Variable/routine name reduction, targeting the most used to
be the shortest
• Remove all redundant spaces and REMarks
• Remove all between-routine junk
• Concatenation of output lines
• Remove unused code
• Reduces numbers to their shortest form
• Converts SYS and SWI strings to numbers
• Converts ASC(“s”) to the equivalent number
• Compresses/removes constant variables
• Handles DIM x!24 32
• Optional “special” file to handle EVALuated variables and
functions, and implicitly loaded library files
• “special” file allows variables to be defined as regular
• It is fast
In other words it does all you would expect, a bit more, and all at a
very respectable speed.
All those syntax checks may seem superfluous until you realise that
most error handling code isn’t always as fully debugged as it should
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[1.4] Documentation
This document is split into several sections. First a full
description of exactly what this program does to, and expects of, the
input. This is followed by §3, a chapter on the powerful cross-
referencing available. Not until §4 is the program itself described,
the Wimp front end application. The back end application, accessible
from the CLI is §5. Special files, their format and use are detailed
in §6. §7 is what this author wishes every program documentation
had, a complete list of errors and reasons why they occurred, and
more importantly --- some hints on how to get rid of them. Finally,
§8 contains miscellanea, the junk that doesn’t categorise too easily.
[1.5] Compressing your first file
Run the application. This will install the Wimp front end onto the
icon bar icon and open the control window to the center of the screen.
First of all drag the Log file icon to a directory display (not
another application, sorry). This file will contain information
about the actions of the compression process. Now drag a Basic file
onto the control window, to compress it.
With the default options this Basic file will be analysed, the log
file created and then automatically loaded into your resident text
editor. If this is Edit, then don’t close the Log window for now.
Even if the Basic file was analysed without error, no output file was
produced because none was defined. Just drag the output file icon
from the control window onto a directory display and start again.
Now, because Edit still had a view of the Log file, this was
automatically updated, using the current window size. This gives an
extremely usable environment!
Voila, a compressed basic file has been produced.
If the log file reports any EVAL or DATA statements were found, it is
possible that the program may not run. See the chapter on Special
files for a way to handle this. (The quick way is to disable all
variable and routine label reduction).
Now read §2.
[1.6] Example speed
It takes BasCompress less than 20s to compress itself. This needs 4
special files, contains 40-odd source files (including libraries)
totalling just over 450K, and compresses it down to 100K. And all
this on an Arm2 off of the standard 440 hard-disc, with all the I/O
overhead that that involves.
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[1.7] Example compression
Here’s how well BasCompress handles compressing an early version of
the Wimp front end application:
192742 Total input size
29659 Maximum compression
29706 No decimal number analysis
31129 No SWI name analysis
35103 No concatenation of output lines
47421 No removal of unused code
51950 No reduction of labels
The later ones are not accumulative, the non-reduction of labels
(only) really does add on 57% to the output program size!
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[2] BasCompress
[2.1] Overview
This chapter concerns itself with Basic, and what BasCompress expects
(and does) to it.
[2.2] Jargon
The following terms will be used quite frequently, so I’ll explain
what is meant by them:
routine a procedure or function
variable an (integer | real | string)[array]
label the name of a routine or variable
name a label with its (pre | post)fix
E.g. the following table might help
name label
PROC_Zappa _Zappa
Frank% Frank
Cy$() Cy
[2.3] Basic
BasCompress will only except fully tokenised basic files, it does not
accept text files. This program only knows about the tokens present
in Basic V, v1.04. The behaviour of this program on Basic files on a
version greater than this is undefined.
Only one Basic file is parsed (but see §2.10).
[2.4] Numbers
BasCompress will interpret all numbers and try to output them in as
compact a form as possible. This is most effective on long binary
numbers, but can shorten many large decimal values as well.
The analysis and output of (decimal) numbers requires the floating
point emulator. For this reason this can be turned off, just in case
you are very short on memory.
Analysis of hexadecimal and binary numbers is always done, as this
does not require any floating point math.
Note that BasCompress tries to output numbers in the hexadecimal
format whenever possible. One artifact of this is assembler source
where the registers get converted to &e, etc.
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[2.5] SWI’s
Acorn’s interface to the operating system, the SWI is an elegant self-
documenting system. However, for interpreted languages like Basic,
the translation of a SWI name to a SWI number is relatively time-
BasCompress will try to do this translation, leaving just a number.
This provides both large space and large execution savings,
particularly for Wimp programs that use SWI’s during screen redraw
(that’s all of them!)
In order for BasCompress to translate the SWI name, it must be a
simple constant string expression. If it isn’t, or it can’t
translate it, then it is left as it is --- thus providing an (almost)
fool-proof conversion. (A possible case of a complex string constant
would be SYS “X”+ “OS_ReadC”).
Both SYS calls (in Basic) and SWI calls (in assembler) are converted.
Note also that the any modules used by the program should be resident
at the time of compression, otherwise the SWI’s will be unknown and
thus BasCompress will leave them as strings. This is an easy mistake
to make, and results in slower and longer compacted files being
produced. This cases ud detected, and generates a suitable warning.
[2.6] Star commands
A backward compatibility feature of Basic V is it’s allowance of
*Commands anywhere in Basic. Modern programs should really put this
in an OSCLI(“...”), or better yet a SYS “OS_CLI”, “...”.
However, since this is allowed, some programmers use it to introduce
comments in programs by using the *| comment construct. BasCompress
will remove these lines completely. It will also remove all
unnecessary *’s and spaces.
If this results in a complete removal of the statement, BasCompress
may produce incorrect code if (and only if) this *command was just
after an (explicit) THEN. Since this is extremely bad programming
practised, this author felt the benefits gained far outweigh the
possible side-effects.
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[2.7] Assembler
BasCompress fully understands and compacts assembler statements. As
part of this process, BasCompress also checks that the square bracket
“[]” count on each statement is valid --- which may be useful for
detecting bugs in conditionally assembled code.
All R0..R15 registers get translated to 0..15, this saves a lot of
space. Also the integer EQU’s can be renamed to DC’s.
Note that the single space left after some mnemonics is necessary,
without it the Basic assembler will refuse to work.
BasCompress also recognises (and compresses to) the ‘&’ derivative
of DCW and the ‘=’ derivative of EQUS and DCB.
[2.8] Routines
It is important to understand that BasCompress treats a program as a
group of routines. Because of this it can remove any junk inbetween
routines, i.e. comments not explicitly starting with a REM, that
other squashers leave behind (and even try to analyse --- producing
many, many errors).
Note that this behaviour, removing junk between routines, can be
disabled in cases where BasCompress is unable to detect the end of
a routine. See below for details of why BasCompress can get
Because a record is kept of what happens inside a routine, it is
possible to conclude that a routine isn’t actually needed in the
output file --- and so none of the routines that it calls are needed
that bit less as well. Thus BasCompress can remove ALL unused
routines from the output file. This is a very powerful feature.
[2.8.1] Main program
BasicV does not provide a clearly defined method for distinguishing
the end of the main program, and the start of the subroutines.
BasCompress treats everything from the start of the first file to the
first routine definition (DEF PROC or DEF FN) to be the main
program. This isn’t ideal, as many main programs consists of an
infinite loop followed by junk --- however there is no easy way of
recognising the true end of the main program, so you have to live
with it as it is.
If you wish to compress library files separately, i.e. files that do
not contain a main routine at the start of a file, then this is
easily accommodated. There is a menu item
‘Input->Process as a library file’ which toggles this feature.
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[2.8.2] Start and end of a routine
The start of a Basic routine is very easily detected, it is a line
that starts with DEF FN or DEF PROC.
However, the end of a routine isn’t so easy to detect. In the ideal
world, every routine will have one, and only one exit that is a
simple ENDPROC, or = <expr> on a line of its’ own. However, we all
live in the real world, and things are more complicated than that.
[2.8.3] Routine end detection
For example, consider the following function:
DEF FNmin(a, b)
IF a>b THEN =b ELSE =a
Now, the only way for BasCompress to recognise this construct is if
it kept track of all branches of a conditional. This would involve a
major upgrade, and would make the program just a code-generation pass
away from a true compiler.
BasCompress has two separate ways of dealing with this, a ‘smart’ way
and a ‘dumb’ way. The dumb method is to ignore routine ends all
together. The smart method is to ignore exits from a routine that
• on the same line as an IF
• an the same line as an ON ERROR
• inside a multi-line construct
By default BasCompress is ‘smart’. To disable this use the CLI
switch -Dumb, or tick menu item
‘Input->Ignore exits from a routine (‘dumb’)’.
Each method has its’ own merits. The smart method means that
because BasCompress knows when the routine has ended, it can skip any
inter-routine junk. The dumb method is extremely useful for coping
with legacy code that confuses BasCompress ‘smart’ algorithms.
When in ‘smart’ mode BasCompress will think that the next line, in
the above example will be inside the function min. This usually
results in a cascade of warning/error messages being generated. The
only long-time cure for this is to amend the offending function. The
simplest way is to just put a dummy terminator in, e.g.
DEF FNmin(a, b)
IF a>b THEN =b ELSE =a
= 0
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Better yet, would be to code it “properly”:
DEF FNmin(a, b)
IF a>b THEN a=b
= a
There is also the problem of programs that prematurely terminate
routines inside, say, a case structure. This happens quite often,
because it makes for much shorter code, and so BasCompress recognises
this, see §2.9.
[2.8.4] END and ERROR
Currently BasCompress does not recognise the fact that a routine may
end with the END command, nor an unconditional ERROR. Since these
are examples of bad-programming anyway, these are easily worked
around by just adding a redundant ENDPROC or =0 after the last line.
BasCompress fully recognises local error handlers, and will force the
next input line to start a new output line accordingly.
[2.9] Multi-line structures
When in ‘smart’ mode (see §2.8.3) BasCompress keeps track of the
current nesting level of all multi-line structures:
It does this primarily to detect conditional exiting from a routine.
For example, if an ENDPROC or = <expr> is detected inside such a
structure, then BasCompress knows it isn’t the true end of the
routine, and so will ignore it. A very useful side-effect of this is
that BasCompress detects programming errors in the use of these
constructs, errors that the run time Basic interpreter allows
through. These very often are genuine program mistakes, usually
inside error-handling code that is not fully debugged.
However, there are two caveats to this. Firstly, in order for
BasCompress to do this it must assume that the start of any multi-
line structure is not inside a one-line IF construct. Unfortunately,
some programmers put a quick WHILE ... ENDWHILE loop in a one-line
IF. BasCompress does not handle this correctly and this line needs
to be split into a true multi-line IF.
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Secondly, and just as less seriously, BasicV is rather lax in it’s
attitude towards multi-line structures. For example:
i += 1
CASE x(i) OF
IF do_it THEN
UNTIL i>max_i
Here, BasicV will rather carelessly execute the UNTIL, even though it
isn’t at the same nesting level as the matching REPEAT. BasCompress
is not so lenient and it will refuse point blank to handle such
code. It is another example of bad programming being used, and
should be re-coded in another way.
If you need to compress such code then put BasCompress in it’s ‘dumb’
[2.10] Libraries
The use of the LIBRARY call is recognised. It causes the appropriate
file to be appended to the queue of files to be parsed, and the
entire LIBRARY statement to be removed from the output.
For this to work, BasCompress assumes a simple string constant
follows the LIBRARY. If this is not the case and it uses a
variable/routine parameter then you will need to set up a Special
file. This will tell BasCompress what to expect the variable to be
so it can load the correct file. Please refer to the §6.
All LIBRARY files are only ever scanned once, even if it is included
many times.
Of course, the loading of libraries will mean that the current
directory and/or some system variables (e.g. App$Dir) may need to be
set up --- otherwise BasCompress will not be able to locate the
library file.
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[2.10.1] Multiply-defined routines in libraries
Note that the loading of libraries, as performed by BasCompress is
not exactly the same as the order that BasicV would have loaded them
in. This could only cause a problem if multiply-defined routines
exist, and further more these multiple definitions are themselves in
library files, not the main file. If this situation does arise, then
the kludge is: include the library containing the preferred
definition twice, once before and once after the LIBRARY containing
the unwanted definition. This will work because BasCompress will use
the first loaded, and the uncompressed program would use the second!
[2.11] Label reduction
A lot of the time that BasicV takes to interpret a program is spent
looking up variable names. BasCompress will attempt to reduce the
long labels down to size, often producing dramatic space and speed
improvements. The algorithm used ensures that the most used
variables are chosen for the shortest variable names, and the names
themselves are chosen so as to spread evenly across the name-space.
Did you note the word attempt in the above paragraph? This is
because basic is an interpreted language and provides the powerful
commands EVAL and DATA, allowing expressions to be evaluated in the
current context. For instance EVAL(“zappa%”) would yield the value
of the variable zappa%. But, if BasCompress had reduced this
variable down to, say, A% in the rest of the program (because it
analysed the program in a different context) then what happens at run-
time is you get a variable not found error.
There are two solutions to this very common problem. The first is to
disable label reduction on all variables of the type that are used in
EVAL or DATA statements. This is extremely wasteful, but the only
option available in other squashers. With BasCompress there is a
much more elegant solution --- you can specify all the labels that
must not be reduced. Further more, these variables can be implied
from the parameters passed to a routine!
For example, many Wimp-based programs will have a menu-construction
suite of routines. These will be passed a string that describes the
menu. Inside this string will be references to variables that at run-
time will point to more information (sub-menus or windows usually).
With BasCompress, you can get it to analyse all these strings,
extract the variables, and then reduce all other variables apart from
those. This is a very powerful feature. See the §6 for more info.
Note that BasCompress goes to the trouble of making sure that it
never produces one of the “built-in” register labels used by the
assembler (R0-R15, pc). On other basic squashers this can lead to
VERY obscure bugs.
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Also worth mentioning is that any labels accessed inside deleted
routines are automatically removed from the list of labels to
reduce. This produces better results than just reducing all labels
BasCompress can handle any number of labels, well as many as could
fit into available memory!
[2.12] Line numbers
Normally line numbers are an anathema but there does exist a valid
reason for using them in BasicV, and so line number handling has been
included in BasCompress. The reason why line numbers may be needed
is if a program claims more memory though the use of the END=<expr>
construct. This has the unfortunate side-effect of removing all
routine level info, so you have to GOTO the main program loop).
Obviously, line numbers found in any library files are faulted as
there is no valid reason for them being there.
Note that in short programs it is just possible that there will be a
GOTO to a destination outside both the main program and all other
routines. Currently BasCompress does not handle this (rather rare)
case. As a kludge, surround the offending code in a dummy routine.
[2.12.1] Output line numbers
If no line numbers were found then line numbering is easy. For
single-file programs the line numbers keep to their original values,
even if multi-line compaction is enabled. For multi-file programs
the output file starts from 1 and increases in steps of 1.
If line numbers were found then the line numbers in the original
program are used for the original program part, and thereafter line
numbers increment in steps of one for any further libraries.
Unfortunately BasicV only allows line numbers up to around 65000
odd. This could possibly be a problem if the original program has
line numbers up to, say, 64000, and includes quite a few library
files. This is one of the few possible errors that are not checked
for, as the possibility of it occurring are just so remote.
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[2.13] Multi-line output
Normally as many statements are compressed onto one output line as
will fit. This produces the smallest files as the overhead that
Basic imposes on each line is reduced by quite a bit.
However, it can produce code that runs slower. This is because it
appears BasicV only notes the statement number of an implicit jump
(e.g. after a FOR, WHILE, or REPEAT). And so if this is on statement
56 of a line, say, then it has to scan all along the line to find
where to continue execution. This situation may be recognised in a
future upgrade by forcing the statement after one of these cases to
start on a new line.
[2.14] DATA
BasCompress recognises the possibility that DATA may not reside
inside a routine. All “unlinked” DATA statements will still be
included in the output file, but only if there is some code left that
will READ it.
Please note that variables used as DATA will require the use of
Special files.
[2.15] Re-compressing
Although at first sight the notion of compressing an already
compressed file may seem a waste of time, in actual fact it is not.
This is because BasCompress compresses a whole line at a time, and
then merges together two or more lines. This isn’t done quite as
optimally as possible, and sometimes extra colons are inserted.
If the output is fed back into BasCompress these extra colons will be
removed, as it will be obvious that they are truly redundant.
If constant variable substitution is enabled (§2.16) then quite often
a second pass reveals more constant variables!
The best way to double-compress is to first compress with reduction
of function and procedure names only (thus ensuring ‘special’
routines only parsed once), and then a second time with full
reduction of variable names.
If you are using BasCompress to generate a distributable file (for
instance your latest commercial/shareware executable) then you
should give serious consideration to using this re-compression
technique. It only takes a little while to set up a script (Obey)
file to perform this at a (double) click of a file.
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[2.16] Constant variables
New to version 1.50 of BasCompress is the handling of ‘constant’
variables. By this it is meant a string/real/integer variable (not
an array) that is:
• only ever assigned once
• never declared (ie LOCAL, or routine parameter)
• the assignment is ‘simple’
By simple it is meant very simple! Currently the only types that are
recognised are:
• integer number, base 10
• real number
• hexadecimal number
• string
Although nowhere near the full types of basic expressions, the above
list does cover the most common case in libraries where one generally
has a lot of variables used to give ‘names’ to constants.
When BasCompress finds such a variable it does two things:
• Remove the definition
• Replace all occurrences of the variable name with its’
This has the advantage that it leaves more room in the symbol table
for variables that are actually used as variables. It should also
speed up the programs’ execution.
Note that variables that have been compressed is this way are listed
as ‘unused’ in the log file.
If you have enabled ‘Process as a library’ then BasCompress will
silently disable constant variable analysis.
Note that for this feature to work BasCompress needs to recognise
all types of variable assignment, including SWAP, MOUSE TO, and
RETURN parameters in routines. This used to be a problem, but
BasCompress has been updated to account for all of these cases.
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[2.16.1] Caveat
There is one important caveat with constant variable handling. This
occurs if the definition of the constant variable is longer than the
variable name itself. This most often happens with long string
constants, although can happen with some integer values.
The problem occurs when BasCompress comes to ‘remove’ the variable
and substitute the longer definition. In rare circumstances (most
noticably on already compressed source) this can cause a line longer
than 256 bytes (a BasicV limitation) to be generated.
The solution to such cases is to defined the variable in the special
file (see §6.) See also §3.2.5.
[2.17] ASC compression
In many programs that deal with text you will see expressions of the
IF (c%>=ASC(“0”) AND c%<=ASC(“9”)) THEN
This looks very nice, but executes relatively slowly. BasCompress
now understands constructs of this form and will compress this down
IF(A%>=48ANDA%<=57) THEN
Which is both textually shorter and is much faster to execute.
To be more exact BasCompress understands the following:
ASC [(]* string [)]*
where spaces are swallowed and the string is a Basic format string.
Also the brackets must match!
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[2.18] Overlays
Overlays are a way of ‘dynamically’ loading groups of orthogonal
routines that BASIC supports. The main advantage is that their use
can, with careful program design, significantly reduce the memory
requirements of an application.
One oft cited example is in a ‘document’ handler, you only ever
need to load, save, or print at one time. Therefore these
separate functions (which could be quite complex) could each be
handled in different source files, and all three specified in an
OVERLAY command. The net result is that the application will
only require as much memory as the largest overlay, rather than
the total size of all overlays.
[2.18.1] Overlay specification
The OVERLAY command is not understood by BasCompress. However,
overlays are supported, through the use of special files (see §6),
or through inline comments (see below).
When specifying an overlay file, if no directory separator is given
(‘.’) then the directory of the input file is used. This is usually
sufficient, unless you store overlays in a subdirectory.
When output, each overlay file is output to the same directory as
the main program (and all its’ libraries). There is no support for
placing the overlays in sub-directories of the output directory.
Note that this means you MUST ensure that the output directory is
different from the input directory, otherwise the overlay files
will become (silently) overwritten with their compressed version.
For every overlay file an output file is always generated, even if
BasCompress has removed all the routines inside it.
[2.18.2] Inline comments
BasCompress ‘understands’ comments of the form:
REM BasCompress:Overlay: <overlay file>
Note that case IS significant. This tells BasCompress to parse the
specified file as an overlay, always. There is no condition
attached to this (such as only parsing the overlay if this routine
is actually used).
If you require more control of which overlay files are parsed you
will need to use a special file.
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[2.18.3] Example of overlays
Imagine an application has overlay files called “Load”, “Save”, and
“Print”. These are all in the ‘application’ directory <App$Dir>.
REM >App
DIM lib$(3)
lib$() = “<App$Dir>.Load”, “<App$Dir>.Save”, “<App$Dir>.Print”
OVERLAY lib$()
REM BasCompress:Overlay: Load
REM BasCompress:Overlay: SCSI::HardDrive4.$.AppSource.Save
REM BasCompress:Overlay: Print
Then, with the system variable App$Dir set up appropriately the
source and the BasCompress’ed files will execute as expected.
[2.18.4] OVERLAYs and re-compressing
If you wish to compress a program that uses overlays more than once
(see §2.15), and it contains inline comments then you need to take
There are two solutions. One involves the use of an environment
variable in the inline comment:
REM BasCompress:OverLay <App$Dir>.overlay
which needs to change between compressions. The other depends on
the comments being in the ‘main program’ (see §2.20). Here you can
force BasCompress to keep initial REMs on the first pass, and remove
them on the second pass!
[2.19] NEXT compression
Basic supports a shorthand method of terminating FOR loops, by
omitting the variable name after the NEXT statement. While
developing programs this is of dubious value, as it stops the
interpreter from spotting possible mismatched FOR/NEXT’s.
However, for compressed programs it is a good idea to remove the
variable, as it (obviously) reduces the program size. It also
speeds the program up, as the Basic interpreter no longer has to
check that the correct variable has been placed after the NEXT.
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BasCompress will ‘swallow’ real and integer loop variables. It will
also concatenate adjacent NEXT’s to use a comma, eg.
will be compressed down to
This only works if the NEXT’s are on the same line, however. If you
want as much compression as possible, you should process the file
twice (see §2.15), as on the second pass most NEXT’s will be on the
same line.
[2.20] Keeping initial REM statements
The file that BasCompress is usually the file that gets distributed
to third parties (ie an applications’ !RunImage file). It would be
nice if you could incorporate into this some copyright message.
One way to achieve this is to tell BasCompress to retain all
‘initial’ REM statements. These are comments that are
• before the first routine definition
• on a line by themselves
• begin with REM (not *|, or ;)
[2.21] TOP handling
Basic supports a pseudo-variable called ‘TOP’. When read, it returns
the topmost byte of memory. Unfortunately Basic does not use a token
to encode this variable, but uses the token for ‘TO’ and the letter
Basic has no problem with this, as it knows when to expect a proper
‘TO’ (after a FOR <var>=<expr>, or after a SYS). Unfortunately
BasCompress does not know this, and so can not distinguish between a
true ‘TOP’ and a ‘TO P’ without a space.
This does matter if constant variable deletion is enabled, because
BasCompress will not ‘see’ the P after the TO and if the P is other-
wise constant, will be substituted everywhere else.
Unfortunately there is no solution, other than to ensure that your
source code never contains the sequence ‘TOP’, which can be done by
ensuring that you have spaces after the TO. (Note that ‘TOPizza’ is
OK, as is ‘TOP%’).
As far as BasCompress output is concerned, this is not a problem, as
the Basic interpreter knows how to handle these cases anyway.
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[3] Cross-referencing
[3.1] Overview
The cross-referencing of a large program can provide many useful
insights, providing you can organise the output so as not to swamp
you with “useless” information. To this end you can control what
gets include, the level of detail, and the ordering (with many types
of ordering available).
Note that the cross-referencing of variables and routines is
completely independent.
[3.1.1] What’s cross-referenced
The cross-reference contains only the routines and variables that
will be included in the output file. Since dead code is usually
removed, you have to tell BasCompress to keep in all would-be deleted
stuff if you need a complete cross-reference.
You can also control exactly what types of labels are included.
Usually you’d keep the default (everything), but sometimes you don’t
care about all the real variables, say, and this is easily catered
[3.1.2] What’s output
The result of the cross-referencing is sent to the cross-reference
file, or the screen if none is specified. Since this is a lot of
data, you will almost certainly want to use a file. The front end
application has the ability to automatically load this into the
resident text editor.
[3.1.3] Messages
The formatting of the cross-reference is defined using the external
Messages file. By altering the following messages you can tailor the
output of the program dramatically (see appendix A for description of
format of messages) :-
Name Show label and its’ qualifying string (“%s%s”)
Comma Separates distinct references (“, ”)
SemiColon Separates similar references (“; ”)
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They are currently set up to produce “one-line-per entry”. However,
it is possible to change these three so that every distinct reference
appears on each separate line, vis-a-vis:
Name: \n\t%s%s
Comma: \n\t
SemiColon: ,%
But note, you will probably need to alter all the titles used so that
they start rather than end with a newline. (The \t expands to a tab
character, this is usually better than many spaces, since cross-
reference files are large enough as it is)
[3.2] Level of detail
There are four levels of detail supported by BasCompress:
None suppresses output, obvious really
Existence useful to just list the name of all the
labels used
Global gives the additional information of a count
of the label usage
Routine reports only each separate routine where a
reference was made, this is probably the most
useful option
Line details the exact statement for every
For the last two, each label has separate lists. For routines there
is: defined, calls, called by; and for variables there is: declared,
assigned, and referenced.
Note that the main program itself is treated internally as a
procedure, and so appears in the routine cross-reference.
[3.2.1] Routine definition
This gives the file and line numbers of the start and end of the
[3.2.2] Routine calls
Lists the names of the routines called by this routine, and the line
number of the call.
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[3.2.3] Routine called by
Lists the names of the routines that calls this routine, and the line
number of the call.
If the list is empty then BasCompress knows that this routine is not
needed in the output program, and so will not include it.
[3.2.4] Variable declaration
Where a label was “declared”. By this BasCompress means it is a
formal parameter of a routine, or explicitly declared as LOCAL.
[3.2.5] Variable assignment
When ever a variable appears at the start of a statement. This
includes assembler statements.
Note that BasCompress sometimes thinks variable assignments are
references. This happens in the following cases:
• variable is passed to a routine with RETURN parameters
• assignment after a one-line IF that is without a THEN
Here’s an example of the later:
IF x<y x=y
Because Bascompress doesn’t try to understand the conditional, it
doesn’t know that a new statement has started and so can’t categorise
the second reference to x as an assignment. See §8.2.
[3.2.6] Variable reference
Any other instance of a variable other than the above two is taken to
be a reference.
BasCompress will not recognise the fact that x += 1 is actually both
an assignment and a reference.
BasCompress will also fail to recognise that var!0 = 1 only
references var and does not assign to it.
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[3.3] Order
There are many uses you can put to a list of labels, provided you can
order them in the way you need. BasCompress allows you to specify as
many levels of sorting as you would need, with all the types of
ordering that are relevant to the labels!
You can sort in either direction --- top to bottom, or the more usual
bottom to top.
These are the following sort types currently supported:
Name in Ascii order
Type for routines: function, procedure
for variables: integer, real, string, integer
array, real array, string array
Dictionary by name, but as it would appear in a
Location the location of the reference
Usage for routines: number of times it is called
for variables: sum of the assignments and the
Note the needed for multi-level sorting. You would normally sort
labels by name, and type; and references by name, type, and location.
Trying to sort labels by location has no meaning, and will result in
a seemingly random order. So it is not possible to list routines in
the order they were defined in.
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[4] The front end
This describes the Wimp front end application. This allows the user
to set up the parameters for the back end program in a friendly way.
[4.1] Installation
By default the front end enables throwback. This is a technique
where a command line utility (eg the BasCompress back end engine)
can communicate errors to a wimp application, such as SrcEdit, Zap,
or StrongED.
This causes the wimp application to display the errors in a window,
where the user chooses an error/warning and the editor displays the
appropriate source line, ready for editing.
[4.1.1] Installing throwback
For throwback to work, you require a support module called DDEUtils.
This is an Acorn module that acts between the command line utility
and the wimp application throwback server.
Unfortunately, in order to distribute DDEUtils requires a Binary
Distribution License from Acorn. Therefore only developers may
distribute this module.
Luckily, BasCompress comes with a (partial) functional replacement,
called DDEUtilsCy. This supports all of the DDEUtils API, but has
no functionality for any Prefix code (if you don’t understand this
then it doesn’t concern you). It also requires the use of an Obey
script to initialise some system variables.
Because DDEUtilsCy only contains a subset of the real DDEUtils’
functionality, the !BC.!Run file goes to great lengths to ensure
that if the user has the real DDEUtils module, then this is used in
stead of the replacement.
[4.2] Starting
A standard Archimedes application, just double-click the application
icon in the directory display to install it onto the icon bar.
For foreign users, see the appendix A describing the Message file.
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[4.3] Overview
Because the back end works on, and produces, a number of whole files
the format of this application is slightly unorthodox.
Basically you use the standard RISC OS method of dragging file icons
to directory displays (to define the output files), and then drag a
BASIC file onto the front end to invoke the back end application to
compress it. This generates the new log, cross-reference, and output
Not all of the types of output files need to be generated. Usually
there is no need for a cross-reference. But, you will almost
certainly want the log file defined, as otherwise you would not know
what errors occurred, or anything else.
It is almost a pre-requisite to have Edit running alongside this
front end in order for you to view the log that the back end
application produces. The loading of this log will normally be
[4.3.1] Icon bar icon
The icon bar icon shows some messages while the back end is active.
This gives a visual reference to what is going on.
Clicking SELECT on the icon bar icon brings the control window to the
front of the window stack.
Clicking ADJUST in the icon bar icon re-loads the last input file,
using the new options. This is extremely handy for trying out new
options on a file that generated an error.
[4.4] Control window
This is automatically opened to the center of the screen when the
application starts. It allows you to quickly set up all the files to
be used, and as a side effect it gives you the chance to open a menu
somewhere other than in the bottom right of the screen!. The left-
most three icon groups act just like the save as dialogue boxes to be
found on the menu.
The special file is defined by dragging a Text file onto this
window. More special files can be defined by editing the text field,
appending a comma separated list of file names.
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[4.5] Main menu
There is only one menu.
Because the sub-menus are rather on the large side, it is recommended
that you bring the menu up over the control window. This was the
main reason for having a control window, as a convenient anchor for
the menu.
[4.6] Input
This sub-menu defines various parameters affecting BasCompress’s
analysis of the input file.
Ignore exits from a routine (‘dumb’)
BasCompress has two strategies for detecting the end of a routine, a
‘smart’ method (the default) and a ‘dumb’ method. The smart method
will keep track of multi-line statements to detect an actual end of
routine, the dumb method just parses until the next DEF FN/PROC.
When enabled BasCompress will use the ‘dumb’ method. See §2.16.
Allow multiply-defined routines
It is better to leave this option un-ticked, so that if a routine is
defined more than once an error is generated. This is the default.
Ticking this option allows a routine to be defined more than once,
with only warnings being given. See §2.10.1.
Force malformed SWI’s to generate error
Malformed SWI’s are those that aren’t simple strings, e.g. “X”+
“Wimp_Poll”. With this enabled these generate an error, otherwise
just a warning. See §2.5.
This item will be disabled if ‘Convert SWIs to numbers’ item in the
output sub-menu is turned on.
Process as a library file
This option allows the input file to be treated as a library file.
This means that no main program is expected, and any undefined
variables and routines do not generate an error. Of course, using
this option is usually pointless without also disabling all label
When turned on this item disables the item ‘Compress constant
variables’ in the output sub-menu, as it is usually not very useful
to have both these items enabled!
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[4.7] Output
This sub-menu allows you to tailor how much compression is applied to
the output programs. Redundant spaces and comments are always
removed, since there seems little point in using BasCompress without
doing this.
By default all compression is on.
Save as
This leads to a standard dialogue box, used to define the basic file
that will be produced if the input is analysed without error.
Keep initial REMs
This feature is useful for retaining copyright messages in the
BasCompressed file. By ‘inital’ it is meant everything up to the
first routine definition. See §2.20.
Concatenate lines
Forces as many statements as possible onto each output line. This is
usually very desirable as it produces quite substantially shorter
code, but at the possible loss of a bit of execution speed. See §2.
Remove unused routines
Because BasCompress can work out exactly which routines are, and are
not needed in the final program, then it can remove unused routines.
This is the default, and there is little point in disabling it, other
than creating a full cross-reference.
Remove constant variables
BasCompress can recognise ‘constant’ variables, those that are only
assigned once and have a very simple definition. This helps to
reduce symbol table overloading. See §2.16.
This item will be disabled if ‘Process as a library file’ in the
Input sub-menu is turned on.
Remove constant ASC()
When enabled this feature will recognise constructs of the form
ASC(“string”) and ASC“s” and compress them down to the appropriate
numbers. See §2.17.
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Remove NEXT variables
BasCompress supports BasicV’s use of unnamed NEXT statement in a
FOR/NEXT loop. It can remove any variables it finds after a NEXT
statement, and cocatenate adjacent NEXT statements. See §2.19.
Convert SWIs to numbers
There doesn’t appear to be any reason to disable this. See §2.5.
When turned off this will cause the following two items to be
Parse numbers
This toggles whether BasCompress will try to reduce a string of
decimal digits. Hexadecimal and binary numbers are always
compressed. See §2.4.
This leads to a simple sub-menu where you can specify the screen mode
to use. When enabled, as BasCompress produces the output file it
will switch to that screen mode and scroll the source and output in
two separate columns. Although “pretty”, it is also pretty useless,
as this takes at least an order of magnitude longer to do, what with
all that screen scrolling and printing.
Note that if throwback is enabled (as it is by default) then the back
end is actually run in a TaskWindow. Thus the ‘listing’ is actually
output to a task window. Thus showing the complete uselessness of
this feature!
Reduce variable names
By default, all variable types are reduced. The only conceivable use
for disabling the reduction of these would be to circumvent the use
of EVAL or DATA variables, although BasCompress provides a much
better method, via the use of Special files. See §2.11.
The final option, ‘E’ suppression is used to stop BasCompress
shortening any variables to a name beginning with an ‘E’. For the
reason why this might be desirable, see §8.2.
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Reduce routine names
By default, all procedure and function names are reduced. The only
reason for disabling the reduction of these would be to circumvent
the use of function names used inside an EVAL construct, although
BasCompress provides a much better method to handle this, via the use
of Special files.
[4.8] Log
The log sub-menu controls what additional information may be inserted
into the log file, along with the name of all files scanned and any
warnings and errors.
Save as
This leads to a standard save as dialogue box, used to define the
file to which the log will be dumped. This will be a standard Text
Report multiple exits
BasCompress needs to know when each and every routine ends. If it
finds more than one exit it will report it. For large programs this
can produce many warnings, and so these warnings can be disabled.
See §2.8.3.
This item will be disabled if you have selected ‘Ignore exits from a
routine (‘dumb’)’, in the input menu.
Report unknown SWI’s
In order for BasCompress to convert a SWI string to a number the
Module must be resident at the time of compression. If the module is
not resident, then this warning will be given. This toggles the
appearance of such warnings, and is usually left enabled. See §2.5.
This item will be disabled if ‘Convert SWIs to numbers’ in the output
menu is turned on.
Report OVERLAY usage
Because the parameter to an OVERLAY statement is a string array, it
is not possible for BasCompress to know which files should be
OVERLAY’ed. Therefore BasCompress emits a warning when it sees the
If your program uses overlays then please read §2.18.
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Report TOP usage
BasCompress is unable to distinguish between the pseudo-variable
‘TOP’ and a possible sequence ‘TO P’ (without the space) which can
occur in a FOR loop. See §2.21.
This shows how many of each type of variable and routine there is
altogether in the program. This includes all deleted labels.
EVAL keyword, DATA keyword, READ keyword
These will list out every line that contains such a keyword,
indicating where BasCompress may introduce errors because of its’
reduction of labels. Note that only the use of these keywords
outside special routines is reported, as it is assumed the use of the
keyword was fully handled by the Special file. Further note that
DATA found outside any routine is just reported as unlinked.
List input
With this option ticked, the input basic is also listed inside the
log file. This produces humongous files, as this is plain text Basic
not tokenised Basic.
[4.9] Special files
Special files are used to help BasCompress to handle the EVALuation
of variables. A special file consisting of a list of routines that
are expected to contain this keyword, and/or a secondary list of any
particular labels that must not be reduced.
The writable menu item allows you to type in a full pathname. It is
easier just to drag the file onto the control window, though.
Warn undefined
Normally it wouldn’t matter that you have told BasCompress about
special routines that aren’t used in the input file. However there
is still this option that will report superfluous definitions found
in Special files.
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Show expansion
With this item ticked, every special label constructed will generate
a warning message into the log file. This can be useful for showing
what you think should appear, and what BasCompress thinks should
[4.10] Cross-reference
From here you define all aspects of the (rather large) cross-
referencing sub-system.
Save as
This leads to a standard save as dialogue box, used to define the
file to which the cross-reference will be dumped. This will be a
standard Text file.
Include deleted
When ticked, this will force all the superfluous routines and
variables to be included in the cross-reference. This is usually not
such a good idea, as the process of deletion removes all the
reference information. For a full cross-reference, also disable the
removal of unused routines (see Output), which leaves this
information in tact.
Reference order
This leads to an order dialogue box (see below) used to set the
sorting criteria for the references. This is probably best left as
the default: Name, Type, Location.
Variables, Routines
These two items lead into identical sub-menus. They allow the cross-
referencing to be defined for both independently.
This leads to a sub-menu where you can define the level of detail of
the cross-referencing information. See §3.2.
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Used to define what types of variables or routines are included in
the cross-reference. Usually this would be all types, but sometimes
you might only want to know about the integers, say. Just de-tick
all the others.
This dialogue box is quite complicated. Basically, you are trying to
define several layers of ordering. First of all everything is sorted
according to the left hand column. Now BasCompress goes through
these sorted items looking for a sequence of items that are the same,
according to this ordering. Now, for each sequence found it will
sort them again using whatever you have defined in column two. This
recurse on each smaller and smaller sub-sequences to the columns on
the right.
Obviously, it isn’t much use having two columns sorting by the same
criteria, so BasCompress will not allow you to select it.
You can delete a column by ADJUST clicking on the ordering already
used. This will cause all columns to the right to shuffle one column
to the left (this is quite a pleasing graphical effect!)
It isn’t possible to have a “blank” column. If you attempt to create
a blank column then your new column will be shifted to the left (yet
another pleasing graphical effect!)
It is possible to delete all columns. This will cause the output to
appear in a seemingly random order. Not much use, apart from seeing
how good the hashing function is!
Ordering by location is only meaningful for references. Using this
option for variables or routines will result in a (seemingly) random
The Dict. standards for dictionary, and is similar to Name, except
instead of ordering by ASCII, order as it would appear in a...
[4.11] Choices Dialogue Box
This dialogue box controls aspects of the front end application
itself, not the back end. It grabs the input focus so that some
keyboard short cuts can be used, must notably RETURN and ESCAPE.
Also the bottom row of buttons can be pressed using F2, F3, etc..
This accepts the above values for the current session of
BasCompress. For the effects to be permanent use either Save or Save
full. Also see the note below about using outline fonts in dialogue
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This disregards any edits you have made to the above options.
Save full
Along with all the expected switches and sort ordering, also saved
with the choices are the default names of the log, cross-reference
and output files. This option saves the full pathname of each of
these files, and would be used while developing a project, to save
dragging the log and output files each session.
As Save full but only the leaf names of the log, cross-reference and
output files are saved. This is handy for more generic
environments. For instance, if you always call your Wimp programs
Wimp, then to make a standard application from this, the output file
would be !RunImage, and this would be a better default to have than
This sets up everything to a default state, for when you’ve made a
complete mess of the options. This default state can also be
achieved by deleting the Choices file inside !BC.!fe, and restarting
the application.
Run BasCompress’ed file
With this option ticked whenever an output file is specified it is
immediately executed after being generated. This is useful while
constructing a Special file, so the program can proceed and report
the missing variables found!)
Load log file
If a log file was specified then this is “opened” immediately after
it is generated. On a properly set up system this would cause Edit
to be loaded up automatically if necessary, and replace any version
currently held if Edit is already resident. Multi-tasking at its
best. Note that if you edit the “old” log file, then this smoothness
is ruined, because Edit will open up a new window containing the new
version. C’est la vie.
Load cross-reference file
Same as the above option, but loads the cross-reference file
generated, if any.
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Name output as <Main>
This is a kludge to reduce the size of both cross-reference and log
files. As any Wimp application must use the full pathname of every
file, this is what is passed to the back end application. However
this causes the full pathname to be printed in every error message
and reference. As a stop gap, this front end can be told to set the
environment variable <Main> to the full pathname, and pass this to
the back end application. It does mean you don’t see the actual name
of the file being processed, but that usually isn’t a problem as you
know that anyway.
Output file leaf name same as input
This option is useful when compressing lots of files from one
directory to another, for example having compressed versions of all
your library files. Having defined the output directory, the full
pathname is constructed from this directory and the leaf name of the
input file, saving quite a bit of typing.
Use outline fonts in dialogue boxes
BasCompress comes with two versions of all its’ windows − with and
without outline fonts. Users of low-resolution monitors may prefer
to use the system font versions. Also, RiscPC users may have to use
the “System font” windows for two reasons: first because the
fontified windows use fonts at a different size (slightly larger for
low resolution users) which looks ugly but more importantly because
of a bug in the Window Manager that causes clicks on (genuine) font
icons to cause the Wimp to “forget” the text font :(
Note that for historical reasons changes to this option are not
updated immediately but only take effect the next time BasCompress is
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5 The back end
This chapter describes the underlying CLI program, and how to use it
By default all text output is to the screen. This can be redirected
to separate log and cross-reference files, as required.
[5.1] Invoking
Double-clicking on the application directory from a directory display
will automatically start up the Wimp front end application. This is
because no parameters were passed to the !Run file.
If any parameters are passed to the application, i.e. you activated
it from a command shell then the back end application is called
This application requires the floating point emulator module to be
resident. This is automatically loaded from the current system
resources. (Floating point arithmetic is only used to analyse and
output decimal numbers, this can be disabled and so there will be no
need to load the floating point emulator --- this is not a
recommended procedure, though).
Also required to be resident is the authors’ own library module:
These modules are automatically loaded if not resident.
[5.2] Installing
There are two methods of installing BasCompress for easy use from a
shell. One is to just install the application onto your Run$Path,
and use it by *!BC file.
This has the disadvantage in that you must remember the !. The much
better alternative is to use the Alias$BasCompress that is set up for
you in the !Boot file. Thus it is only required to run this !Boot
file in your boot-up sequence, and then call BasCompress by
*BasCompress file.
In both the above it is essential that the !Run file gets executed,
as this ensures auxiliary modules are resident and checks that there
will be enough memory to start the application.
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[5.3] Environment variables
Because the CLI limits command lines to (a paltry) 256 bytes, several
tricks were used in order to make the front end application work
effectively with the back end program (with full pathnames). These
can be put to great advantage for CLI users. In all cases an unset,
or empty variable is ignored.
This should be a string of the same format as a
normal parameter set, except missing the name of the
input file (of course). With this you can override
any of the built-in default values with your own
preferred set.
The name of the tokenised basic file produced.
The name of the log file produced.
The name of the cross-reference file produced.
The name of the special file(s) input (a comma
separated list).
A comma separated list of directories used to find
Special files
It should be noted that the front end application resets all of these
variables (except the Path), so keep this in mind.
[5.3.1] DDEUtils and long command lines
BasCompress knows about the long command lines supported by the
DDEUtils module. This is a method of passing a command line larger
than 256 bytes to a child process.
This provides a much more elegant solution than the use of
environment variables. The Wimp front end application now uses this
feature if throwback is enabled, but uses the environment variables
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[5.4] The CLI parameters
The ordering of the parameters has been carefully set up so there is
usually no need to name any parameters.
BasCompress [-In] <file>
[[-Out <file>]
[[-Special] <files>]
[[-Log] <file>]
[[-XRefFile] <file>]
[[-XRef] <n>]
So for normal work you would have set up BasCompress$Options and
you’d just do BasCompress @.MyProg @.Result @.Special @.Log “” 0.
There is a -Help option to display a brief description of the
available options.
As with all all native Archimedes applications, switches toggle the
previous state (OS_ReadArgs does not allow -f and +f).
[5.4.1] Input
-Dumb ignore ENDPROCs (OFF) §2.8.3
-In <file> this must always be given
-Library ignore undefined routines & main program
(OFF) §2.8.1
-MultiDEF allow multiple definitions of the same
routine (OFF) §2.10.1
-SWIBad fault malformed SWI names (OFF) §2.5
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[5.4.2] Output
-ASC decompose ASC(“X”) to number (ON) §2.16
-CVar constant variables are compressed (ON) §2.17
-InitialREM keep REMs before first routine def (OFF)
-ListOut <n> echo output in screen mode <n> (OFF) §4.6
-NEXTs remove NEXT variables (ON) §2.19
-Number analyse decimal numbers (needs FPEmulator)
(ON) §2.4
-Out <file> output file (see BasCompress$Output)
-ReduceVar <type>
-ReduceRtn <type>
-Reduce <type> reduce these types of labels (irsIRSpf) §2.11
-Single no concatenation of output lines (OFF) §2.13
-SWI convert SWI strings to numbers (ON) §2.5
-Unused delete unused routines and variables (ON)
<type> is a string of these letters:
p procedure
f function
r real variable
i integer variable
s string variable
R real array variable
I integer array variable
S string array variable
[] Output listing
First the mode is selected (-1 would select the current mode), and an
appropriate warning or error generated if that mode is not
available. Next a blue-on-white colour scheme is selected. Then the
display is split into two columns, with the left column about 61% of
the screen wide (80 columns in mode 16). The source listing is
scrolled here. On the right column the output is scrolled.
The source listing does not include any deleted routines, but does
include all inter-routine junk. The output listing is as per the
output file, in its’ entirety. The right column is only updated each
time a whole line has been amassed, which could take a while if
maximum compression is selected.
There isn’t really much use for this option, as the time taken to
scroll the screen takes far too long.
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[5.4.3] Log
-DATA log lines containing DATA (ON)
-EVAL log lines containing EVAL (ON)
-Goto log lines containing line numbers (ON)
-List echo input to log (OFF)
-Log <file> output file (see BasCompress$Log)
-OVERLAY suppress warnings if see ‘OVERLAY’ (OFF)
-READ log lines containing READ (ON)
-Stats log program statistics (ON)
-SWIExist report unknown SWI strings (ON) §2.5
-TOP suppress warnings if see ‘TOP’ (OFF) §2.21
-WEndRtn report conditional exits (ON) §2.8.3
[5.4.4] Special
-Special <files> use comma list of <file> to resolve implicit
usages (see BasCompress$Special and
-UnusedS report undefined special routines (OFF)
-WSpLabel report label expansion results (OFF)
[5.4.5] Cross-reference
-XRefFile <file> output file (see BasCompress$XRef)
[] What gets cross-referenced
-Deleted xref includes deleted variables and routines
-XIncVar <type>
-XIncRtn <type>
-XInc <type> xref these types of labels (irsIRSpf) §3.1.1
<type> is a string of these letters:
p procedure
f function
r real variable
i integer variable
s string variable
R real array variable
I integer array variable
S string array variable
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[] How much cross-referencing to be done
-XRef <n> level of xref detail for both routines and variables
-XRtn <n> level of xref detail for routines (0)
-XVar <n> level of xref detail for variables (0)
<n> evaluates to a number from 0 to 4:
0 None
1 Existence --- name
2 Global --- name / count
3 Routine --- reference to routine level
4 Line --- reference to line level
[] Order of cross-referencing
-Sort <sort> order of all variable, routine, and reference sorting
-SRef <sort> order of cross–references (NTP)
-SRtn <sort> order of routines (TN)
-SVar <sort> order of variables (TN)
<sort> is a string of these letters:
N sort by name
T sort by type
D sort by name (in dictionary sense)
P sort by position in source
U sort by usage
e.g. to sort by usage, name, then type = “UNT”.
Lower case letters order top to bottom.
[5.5] Error handling
By errors, it is meant system errors (i.e. those generated by calls
to the operating system).
Admittedly, error handling is quite primitive in BasCompress. All
calls to the operating system are tested for error condition, and if
set this is immediately propagated all the way back to the user, with
an appropriate message dumped in the log file.
Errors occurring before the log file is opened are reported to the
In any case, an error safely closes all files opened by this
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[5.6] Escape handling
As with error handling, this is fairly primitive.
BasCompress can be aborted at any time, terminating immediately after
closing all open files.
Note that during the middle of program output the Basic file will be
Type’d to Data, as a safeguard against loading it into BasicV. (This
does not handle zero-length files very well --- it hangs the
[5.7] Hourglass
The hourglass is used to indicate BasCompress’s progress.
During parsing, the percentage shows how much has already been
analysed. Note that because BasCompress can not know the total
length of input beforehand, the percentage may actually go backwards
as LIBRARY statements are parsed.
During cross referencing, there is no percentage, but the bottom
L.E.D. is on.
Finally, during program output an accurate percentage is displayed,
with the top L.E.D. on.
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[6] Special files
This chapter explains the format of the Special files. These are
auxiliary Text files used to give BasCompress some more information
to help it compress better. See also the examples supplied on disc.
[6.1] Why need special files?
Special files are used to tell BasCompress how to cope with the
following types of situation:
• EVAL(“Variable”)
• DATA Variable
• LIBRARY “%.”+ RoutineParameter$
• EVAL(“FN_”+ RoutineParameter$)
• definitions from RETURN parameters
Because BasCompress reduces labels (see §2.11) using a global
context, at run-time when BasicV tries to find these labels in the
current context, it fails. Special files tell BasCompress which
labels not to compress, either explicitly as in the first two cases
or above, or implicitly (from routine parameters) as in the later two.
You may also need to tell BasCompress about variables that it thinks
are constant, but actually get assigned as a result of a RETURN
parameter in a routine.
[6.2] The Special file
Special files are just plain Text files, in the format specified
below. BasCompress allows more than one Special file to be defined
(using a comma separated list), but it is far easier to use the
#include directive inside a Special file, as shown below.
Special files are found using the environment variable
BasCompress$Path. By default this is not set up, but you may like to
create a sub-directory BasCompress in your library and set this
variable to “,%.BasCompress.” in your boot-up sequence (note the
trailing dot, as with all path variables). Here you would keep the
one or two special files that handle your particular set of library
files, and BasCompress will find them for you without you having to
type in a full pathname every time.
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[6.3] Format of a Special file
The format of a Special file is fairly simple.
Basically, (for variables) all you’re trying to tell BasCompress is:
• routine X has a string in parameter Y
• inside routine X there is an EVAL
• this constructs a new label Z from Y
• don’t reduce this label Z
So all you do is give the name and expected parameters of a routine
and tell BasCompress how to construct label Z.
[6.3.1] Defining routines
You give the name of a routine by:
procedure foo(1)
function bar(,1)
The brackets are necessary if a routine doesn’t have any parameters.
The procedure definition above tells BasCompress to expect a (simple)
string expression to be passed to the procedure foo at every call, as
the sole parameter. The function definition says the first parameter
is not important, but the second parameter will be a simple string.
These prototypes are checked against what is actually found in the
program proper, and an appropriate error generated if they don’t
There can be up to ten distinct string parameters [0-9], but you’ll
probably only ever need just one.
[6.3.2] Defining globals
Sometimes the EVAL isn’t in any particular routine (or is used inside
a nested routine structure not amenable to the above simplification),
so you’d like to give the name of the labels not to reduce just
once. This is easy because at the start of each Special file,
BasCompress puts an implicit declaration of the main program as a
routine, with no parameters. So you’d just start defining the global
labels as normal routine labels.
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[6.3.3] Labels
First of all an example:
PROC_List(a, “Zappa”, “Good”)
DEF PROC_List(RETURN x, y$, z$)
IF EVAL(“Frank_”+ y$)<>0 THEN
x += EVAL(“FN_”+ z$+ “_Name(Cy%)”)
this would be implemented as:
procedure _List(, 1, 2)
real Frank_\1
function _\2_Name
integer Cy%
Note the spaces to the left of the implicit declarations, and the
case of the keywords as both of these are important. Also note the
need to declare Cy% as another variable that must not be shortened.
There is no attempt to verify that the <n> used was declared in the
parameter list, but all undeclared <n> are reset to the empty
string. Also there is only rudimentary checking done on the
expansion template, so be sensible.
The following table shows the exact words to use --- note they must
be lower case:
real a real variable e.g. pi_by_2
integer an integer variable, e.g. count%
string a string variable, e.g name$
real_array a real array variable, e.g. times()
integer_array an integer variable, e.g. books%()
string_array a string variable, e.g. titles$()
procedure a procedure, e.g. PROC_total
function a function, e.g. FNmin
library load library file, e.g. %.Wimp
BasCompress can currently interpret the simple string in a number of
ways. These template expansion types are:
[] Verbatim
\<n> causes the formal parameter <n> to be substituted verbatim.
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[] Comma separated
,<n> treats parameter <n> as a comma separated list of strings to
substitute, with optional spaces after each comma.
Each value is extracted from the string in turn. Note that the
string is expected to contain real variables only, i.e. no %, $, or (.
For example:
DEF PROC_Music(p$)
LOCAL i, dummy
i = INSTR(p$, “,”)
dummy = EVAL(“FN_”+ LEFT$(p$, i-1))
p$ = MID$(p$, i+1)
i = INSTR(p$, “,”)
could get coded as:
procedure _Music(1)
function _,1
[] Full pathname
@<n> parameter <n> is considered as a full pathname, and just the
leaf name is substituted.
For an example see §6.3.4 below.
[] Wimp menu
[note this uses the guillemotright glyph (character 187), but will be
represented here as ‘>>’.]
>><n> <n> is taken to be a Wimp menu string. This means that after
“>” and “:” a variable name is expected, terminated by a
comma or the EOS.
It is assumed that the implicit variables are all of the same type.
If not just define several rules, one for each type.
For example
PROC_menu(“Prog,Info>Info%,dSave as>SaveAs,Quit”)
may get coded as follows:
procedure _menu(1)
integer >>1
real >>1
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[6.3.4] Variables as regular expressions
As well as the above special meta-characters BasCompress will now
allow you to specify special variables (not routines or libraries) as
a regular expression (a fancy wildcard expression). This means that
instead of specifying one variable, you specify any variables that
match a pattern.
Special variables so specified can not contain any parameter
substitution commands. They also behave in a slightly different
To process special variables defined as regular expressions
BasCompress must use a separate pass, between parsing and output.
This scans every variable (of the particular type) to see if it
matches the specified pattern. If so, then the variable is flagged
as being un-renamable − as expected.
So what is a regular expression, and why would you want to use it?
For a full description of regular expressions please see Appendix B,
but all the useful features (two of them!) will be shown in the
examples below.
You would want to use regular expressions to specify a range of
variables with the same sort of name − instead of specifying every
single one individually. Eg say you have defined many constants such
as ‘Wimp_Initialise’, ‘Wimp_CloseDown’, ‘Wimp_GetRectangle’, etc. and
then used these constants in some DATA statements. Instead of having
a (long) list of these variable names in the special file you would
recognise that all of the variables begin with the pattern ‘Wimp_’
and tell BasCompress to mark all such variables as unrenamable.
[] Example patterns
Here’s how you would write the above example in a special file:
procedure dummy()
real Wimp_.*
the important bit being the “.*”. This should be read as “any
character“, ”repeated 0 or more times“. Ie as long as a variable
starts with the five characters “Wimp_” the pattern is matched.
Another frequent case is when variables have the same postfix --- eg
the pattern:
integer .*CMOS\>
would match all integers that end (“\>” means “match end of
variable“) in the letters CMOS, ie MosROMFrugalCMOS%, FontMaxCMOS%,
etc... The specification that CMOS be at the end stops, say,
MyCMOSvar% being matched by the pattern, as it otherwise would if
this were not included.
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[] Limitations
Although a regular expression may be defined dependent on a special
routine being called, this fact is currently ignored − all special
variables specified using a regular expression are used during the
pass. For this reason it is probably worthwhile to place all wild-
card specifications as global − ie in the main program section of the
special file. This limitation will not last long.
Currently a variable that is recognised as matching a pattern is
flagged as being referenced from the main program (in the cross
reference) and not inside the special routine that specified the
wildcard − but this will change in a later version.
[6.3.5] Libraries
As well as labels, libraries may be implicit. For example, here’s a
simple library handler:
PROC_Load_Library(“<Basic$Lib>.Wimp”, 2)
DEF PROC_Load_Library(f$, v)
x = EVAL(“FN_Init_”+ FNleaf(f$))
IF EVAL(“Version_”+ FNleaf(f$))<v THEN
ERROR 1, “Library too old”
Well, in real life you’d set up error handlers and note which
libraries have already been loaded, but you get the idea. This could
be coded as follows:
procedure _Load_Overlay(1,)
library \1
function _Init_@1
real Version_@1
Note the use of @<n> to extract the leaf name.
In the output program the entire statement containing the LIBRARY is
Note that because BasCompress analyses the program in a linear
fashion, the order of library routines may well be different from
that used in the uncompressed program, (see §2.10).
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[6.3.6] Overlays
Overlays may be specified as inline comments (§2.18.2) or in the
special file.
For most common purposes inline comments will suffice, but for complex
programs that possibly use routines to specify members of the string
array passed to OVERLAY, then you may use the special file keyword
‘overlay’ to handle such cases.
For example:
procedure _Load_Library(1,)
overlay scsi::cheepnis.$.source.code.app.\1
would be a typical use.
[6.3.7] Include files
It is possible for special files to include other special files.
Thus you will probably set up BasCompress$Path and a special file to
handle your own set of standard libraries, and then...
#include mylibs
somewhere in the special file for each particular program. (Note
that there are no spaces to the left of the #include, and don’t put
any quotes on the name either).
Nesting level is not limited, and you can recurse. This will result
in an infinite loop, with the only resort being to press escape to
quit, and then examine the log file.
[6.4] Limitations
There can only be 250 odd total Special routines defined. If any one
actually reaches this limit, then contact the author, it’s easy to
alter --- at the expense of a slight increase in memory usage.
There is of course one major limitation in that you have to specify
the name of all the special files before processing the program. It
would be nice to set up a system whereby if the program (maybe
implicitly) loads in library X, then load up special file Y. However
this would require re-finding all calls to the (new) Special
routines --- something that seems quite hard to do, sigh.
Finally, you’d like to be able to take into account the scope of the
variables so only the use of variables in scope are not reduced. But
since BasicV only has one scope, this is not possible to implement
safely, without some explicit help from the programmer by marking the
scope of variables in some way.
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[7] Errors
[7.1] Overview
Errors and warnings can be generated at various stages of the game.
They all look the same and are all sent to the current log (file /
screen). The format is:
file 1234 warning 3: message
If there is no filename, then it indicates the error is global in
scope, for example the “undefined routine” error generated when all
files have been parsed.
Warnings report non-fatal deficiencies. Errors report a major
problem, and will stop any output file being generated.
As with all text used by BasCompress, these error texts are held in
the Messages file.
It is worth pointing out that many warnings and errors may be
generated after the seemingly innocent warnings 9 and 10. This means
that BasCompress may have lost touch with what routine is being
defined, and starts interpreting the junk inbetween routines as
genuine code. So do check the log file from the start.
[7.2] Warnings
Most of the warnings are self explanatory.
1:Expecting PROC or FN after DEF
In standard Basic, these are the only valid things after a DEF. This
warning has never been encountered in debugged source!
2:DEF inside a routine
This is generated because an earlier routine did not exit cleanly,
and the program believes you are still in this routine. You need to
fix the errant routine by terminating it properly, or simply
appending a dummy routine end (ENDPROC or = <expr>).
Alternatively put BasCompress into ‘dumb’ mode --- see §2.8.3.
3:Unexpected period ‘.’
A period on it’s own is treated as the start of a number (e.g. “.
7”). This warning is generated if a statement starts with a period
and it is not in the assembler.
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4:Mismatched quotes ‘“’
Every line should have matching quotes.
5:Malformed hexadecimal number
It is expected that a digit or a letter [0-9a-fA-F] comes after an &.
6:Malformed binary number
It is expected that a 0 or 1 comes after a %.
7:Line number reference found
This is given if line numbers are found in any libraries, since there
is no valid reason for them being there.
8:Expecting routine name after PROC or FN
A non-label character was found after one of these tokens. This very
9:ENDPROC not at end of procedure
This is generated if ENDPROC is found on a line containing an IF, i.
e. it is ambiguous as to whether this is the genuine end of the
procedure. Most of the time this causes no problems, but for short
routines where this is the only way it exits then BasCompress will
get confused as to the exact end of the routine. In this case you
must either re-code the routine (recommended) or insert a dummy
routine terminator (ENDPROC or = <expr>).
Alternatively put BasCompress into ‘dumb’ mode --- see §2.8.3.
10:= not at end of function
This is generated if an “= <expr>” is found on a line containing an
IF, i.e. it is ambiguous as to whether this is the genuine end of the
function. Most of the time this causes no problems, but for short
routines where this is the only way it exits then BasCompress will
get confused as to the exact end of the routine. In this case you
must either re-code the routine (recommended) or insert a dummy
routine terminator (ENDPROC or = <expr>).
Alternatively put BasCompress into ‘dumb’ mode --- see §2.8.3.
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11:Code found on last line of function
There were more statements on the same line as the terminating “=
<expr>” statement. Since these will never be executed by Basic then
they should be removed. This warning could well turn up quite often
if BasCompress is fed the output of other squashers.
12:Expecting a string after LIBRARY/INSTALL
In order to be able to load in libraries BasCompress expects a simple
constant string expression to follow these keywords. If this is not
the case then you will need to set up a Special file to handle this
situation. This warning is suppressed if inside a Special routine.
13:OVERLAY not parsed, use special file or inline comment
The OVERLAY keyword can not be parsed by BasCompress and needs
some help. See §2.18.
14:Unexpected ‘[’
A running total of square brackets is kept. This indicates that
something like “LDR R0, [[R1...]” was found.
15:Unexpected ‘]’
A running total of square brackets is kept. This indicates that
something like “LDR R0, [R1...]]” was found.
16:ENDPROC inside a %s structure
Found a conditional exit from a procedure --- this indicates a bad
programming style.
Alternatively put BasCompress into ‘dumb’ mode --- see §2.8.3.
17:= inside a %s structure
Found a conditional exit from a function --- this indicates a bad
programming style.
Alternatively put BasCompress into ‘dumb’ mode --- see §2.8.3.
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18:Conditional %s
Found a conditional termination of a multi-line structure --- this
indicates a bad programming style.
This may occur on lines like the following:
IF x>0 THEN WHILE x>0:y+=FNy(x):x-=1:ENDWHILE
Unfortunately BasCompress does not like this because it expects all
multi-line constructs to start unconditionally. To cure this split
the one-line IF into a multi-line IF.
Alternatively put BasCompress into ‘dumb’ mode --- see §2.8.3.
19:Too many ‘(’ found
A running total of ellipsis is kept. This indicates something like
“(1+2)(” was found.
20:Unexpected ‘)’ found
A running total of ellipsis is kept. This indicates something like
“(1+2))” was found.
21:Routine %s already defined at %s
This warns about multiply-defined routines. Since there are
sometimes very good reasons for doing this this warning can be
22:Malformed decimal number
A bad decimal number was found. A decimal number is something
beginning with a digit or a period and continuing as expected. The
form of the number is always checked, but the compression may be
turned off.
23:The (global) special routine %s is not defined
This speaks for itself. It is only generated if the user has asked
for it, as it is not usually relevant.
24:SWI name missing, or not simple
It is normal to just have a string, variable, or number immediately
after a SYS (SWI). This indicates that found something else ---
which may indicate a syntax error.
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25:SWI ‘%s’ is unknown
The operating system has no record of what this SWI means. This
indicates that either the module is not loaded at the time of
compression, or it is misspelt. BasCompress will leave it as it is,
producing longer and slower code.
26:Can’t change to screen mode %d
If the listing Mode could not be found, but a suitable alternative
was possible.
27:Special variable %s has been used
28:Special routine %s has been used
29:Special library %s has been used
30:Special overlay %s has been used
These warnings are generated if the user has turned them on. They
show the results of label expansion done at the instance of a call to
a Special routine.
31:Found TOP, treated as ‘TOP’ and not ‘TO P’
BasCompress may fail to remove a constant variable ‘P’ if this
warning occurs. See §2.21.
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[7.3] Errors
Any errors encountered will stop the final output phase, but the
program will soldier on parsing, so you can rectify all the errors in
one hit.
2:ENDPROC found in a function
This invariably follows warning 2, about DEF found inside a routine,
which itself follows a warning 10, because the previous function did
not terminate cleanly.
A quick fix is to put BasCompress into ‘dumb’ mode --- see §2.8.3.
3:= found in a procedure
This invariably follows warning 2, about DEF found inside a routine,
which itself follows a warning 9, because the previous procedure did
not terminate cleanly.
A quick fix is to put BasCompress into ‘dumb’ mode --- see §2.8.3.
4:Routine %s already defined at %s
It’s either an error or a warning (21), and this is the error.
5:File error: %s
Since there is minimal file accessing done (files are loaded in one
hit), this usually just reports not being able to find a particular
file/invalid file name --- it is dependent on the underlying filing
6:End of file in middle of routine
It is invalid for a routine to span across a file boundary.
7:Too many files (>254)
I can’t foresee anyone getting this error message! It is unlikely
that this limitation would be lifted, either.
8:Undefined routine: %s (used %s)
Generated after all files have been parsed, it warns of routines used
but never defined. These are usually obscure routines only called in
error handlers. If you know for sure that this routine will never be
called, just put an empty version in your main file to suppress this
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9:Undefined variable: %s (used %s)
Not generated.
10:FOR not at start of statement
This may be of some use --- not much, but what the hey? (Maybe be on
a one-line IF)?
11:Escape pressed, parsing aborted
Not generated. Escapes just terminate program immediately in the
current version.
12:File %s does not have a Basic file type
This program only accepts tokenised Basic files --- maybe the file is
just not Type’d correctly. (Could be that it was saved under the CFS
or some such, and you only gave the SCSIFS?)
13:File %s is too small to be a Basic type
A rudimentary check on each Basic file is done --- this is generated
if it fails.
14:File is corrupted/not basic
Each line of tokenised Basic has a header. As the file is parsed
each header is checked and if invalid this error is generated and
parsing of the file is aborted.
15:Escape pressed, xref aborted
Not generated. Escapes just terminate program immediately in the
current version.
16:Escape pressed, compression aborted
Not generated. Escapes just terminate program immediately in the
current version.
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17:Unexpected %s in a %s structure
This detects any foul-ups in multi-lined structures. The Basic
interpreter allows some of these through without reporting an error.
These errors allow you to fix the (very probably) mistakes. See
warning 18.
A quick fix is to put BasCompress into ‘dumb’ mode --- see §2.8.3.
18:Unexpected %s
As error 17 above, but obviously outside any surrounding structure.
19:End of file in middle of assembler
A special case of error 6, i.e. a routine did not end before the end
of a file was found.
20:OTHERWISE not at start of line
A simple error for a simple mistake.
21:WHEN not at start of line
A simple error for a simple mistake.
22:Computed GOTO/GOSUB found
Now, I ask you, is this how to program? BasCompress will refuse to
work with such things, and who can blame it?
23:INSTALL/LIBRARY not at start of line
This indicates a syntax error, probably. Or maybe an IF without a
THEN, who knows?
24:INSTALL/LIBRARY can not be on a conditional line
If you must, then split into a multi-line IF and try again.
25:The special routine ‘%s’ was declared as having different parameters
from those found here
The number of parameters do not match --- probably a wrong number of
commas in the Special file.
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26:The special routine ‘%s’ wants a string constant for one of its’
This program only handles very simple constant string expressions,
and this error indicates that the expression was not simple enough.
27:Line too long (max 256)
This seems a reasonable upper limit on the line length of a Special
28:Line ‘%s’ is not of a recognised form
Syntax error for the Special file line. Note that if you specified a
Text file full of control codes and such, then you may only get to
read the last few words of this message.
29:Label ‘%s’ is invalid
In Special files, the label probably starts with a digit, or some
30:Parameter list ‘%s’ is invalid
In Special files: what more needs to be said?
31:Parameter list ‘%s’ contains a duplicate
In Special files: it is not exactly meaningful to have two or more
parameters assigned to the same expansion number is it?
32:Implicit label substitution overflowed
When a call to a Special routine is found, the label templates get
expanded using the actual parameters passed. This error shows
BasCompress checks for overflow in its’ internal buffers!
33:Too many special routines (max 255)
A perfectly reasonable limit it seems. This could easily be
extended, though.
34:Unable to load special file (not Text?)
Or maybe it wasn’t found. Only Text files are accepted.
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35:SWI name missing, or not simple
It is normal to just have a string, variable, or number immediately
after a SYS (SWI). This indicates that found something else ---
which may indicate an error.
36:Illegal screen mode
If the listing mode could not be found, and no suitable alternative
was possible, then this error is generated.
37:Bad main program, unterminated %s structure
This is a special case, if the first routine found (DEF PROC, or
DEF FN) was inside a multi-line structure. This indicates an error
in the main program.
A quick fix is to put BasCompress into ‘dumb’ mode --- see §2.8.3.
38:Can’t find closing ellipsis in special routine parameter
During label expansion, BasCompress found a label ending in (, which
it took to mean the start of an array index. No closing ) was found
before the end of the string.
39:Bad char ‘%c’ following > or : in special routine parameter
During label expansion, BasCompress expects the label to be
terminated by a comma or the EOS. This indicates that this condition
was not satisfied.
40:Called routine ‘%s’ with wrong number of parameters
BasCompress keeps note of the number of parameters a routine is
defined with, and can detect when an attempt is made to use the
routine with the wrong number of parameters.
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[7.4] Run-time errors
Here is some help with possible errors that BasCompress may introduce
to the compressed Basic output.
[7.4.1] Unknown or missing variable
The quick and easy method to solve this problem is to turn off all
label reduction. This is not recommend, as it makes the use of
BasCompress almost worthless.
This error has been generated because you have not told BasCompress
about the side effects of an EVAL or DATA statements. See §2.11 for
why this produces the error, and §6 for how to cure it.
In essence you have to go through the program, locate the EVAL’s and
possibly the DATA statements as well, (look in the log file for
exactly where to find these), and then build a Special file to tell
BasCompress how to handle these.
Usually this entails defining some “global” labels that will never be
reduced, although sometimes it is possible to build a more
sophisticated parameter-based rule.
It may just be possible that this error is generated inside
assembler. If so, then this indicates an error on BasCompress’
part. Examples of such should be sent to the author for inclusion in
upgrades. This possibility is extremely remote as BasCompress has
been tested with a wide range of sources, but most cases where it has
failed in the past has been in this area.
[7.4.2] No such function/procedure
This occurs for exactly the same reasons as detailed in §7.4.1 above.
[7.4.3] Missing ENDIF
These errors are generated very rarely, but they are just possible.
Consider the following code:
IF FN_SaveFile THEN :::REM comment
What BasCompress could produce, although it does tries not to, is:
Obviously this is wrong, wrong, wrong. From a simple one-line
conditional (that does nothing), BasCompress has produced a multi-
line conditional construct where there shouldn’t be any, and without
the ENDIF.
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Since this situation is fairly rare, and BasCompress does handle it
most of the time, it is not likely to be remedied --- unless enough
people request it.
The work around is to not to ignore the return value from the
function, which is probably an error status (indicating a very lazy
programmer!), but to assign it to a variable, and then act on it
[7.4.4] Invalid RETURN actual parameter
If the program compresses OK but when run comes up with an error:
‘Invalid RETURN actual parameter’
then ensure that menu item ‘Input->Remove constant variables’ is
disabled. The proper way to deal with this is to use a special file
on the variable, see the manual. See §2.8.3.
[7.4.5] Syntax error
If this occurs then ensure that menu item
‘Output->Reduce variable names->‘E’ suppression’ is ticked. See §8.2.
[7.4.6] Logical errors
By this it is meant that a program doesn’t generate any overt errors,
it’s just that it doesn’t do the same as it did before compression.
BasCompress has been tested quite thoroughly with a wide source of
Basic programs, and it is hoped that all of these exceptional cases
have been noted and duly handled. However if you do get this type of
error, it is still probably because of EVAL and DATA being used with
undeclared (and probably short, e.g. A%, x, etc.) variables. These
variables may have been “renamed” by BasCompress, or even re-mapped
to different variables, and hence contain an invalid value.
If it is not because of this, then the author would appreciate it if
an example of the incorrectly compressed source was sent in, so
BasCompress could be updated to handle that case.
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[7.5] Internal errors
These are “system” errors generated by BasCompress itself. These
messages are hard-coded into the executable, and use the error number
chunk &DCBC0 to &DCBFF:
Error(s) during parsing
This should never appear, as it is an internal error used to indicate
an erroneous parsing stage.
Invalid sort character ‘%c’
Sort string too long
Invalid type character ‘%c’
These indicate rudimentary errors on the parameters passed on the CLI.
Invalid option in system variable BasCompress$Options
Indicates an invalid system variable. Unfortunately it is not
possible to show exactly what was wrong with it, just that some part
of it was wrong.
These errors should never be generated. They indicate where
BasCompress has found some inconsistencies in its’ own internal data
structures. Any occurrences of such should be sent, along with the
source that produced them, to the author for correcting in future
This can be sent by Email to bascompress@cheepnis.demon.co.uk.
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[8] Loose ends
The fact that this chapter exists shows that I’m no good at
documentation! It mainly describes features that may (or may not)
get implemented in future upgrades.
[8.1] Memory usage
Let’s face it boys and girls, this program eats RAM like nobody’s
business. It’s really just a fact of life for 32-bit/RISC machines.
This is compounded by the need for some oomph (technical term) in the
program execution stakes. To this end most things are kept on two
separate lists --- e.g. if a routine X calls Y then this is recorded
both in X’s calls list, and Y’s called by list. This bit of
redundancy probably doubles the speed of cross referencing, so it was
felt worth it.
Also all the source is kept in RAM, and all the output.
There is some consideration to low-memory users in that the hash
table sizes grow on request, but then again they start pretty big
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[8.2] Missing THEN
Basic allows the programmer to omit a THEN statement when used on a
single-line IF compound. However, this can cause problems. Because
BasCompress removes all spaces, if the condition ended with a digit,
and the statement after the (missing) THEN starts with an ‘E’ then
Basic gets confused – thinking a real number (in exponent format) has
been given. Eg the BasCompress produced line:
IF x<>0E%=1
is wrong. There should be a space after the 0. This is very rare.
A temporary cure is to stop BasCompress shortening any variables to
names starting with an ‘E’. Although this will solve most problems,
there is still the unresolved problem of the un-shortened variables.
The only cure is to make sure the THEN is always used.
A similar problem is the following BasCompress produced line:
WHILE x<>0E%=2
The cure for this is to always separate the expression from the first
statement of a WHILE compound by a colon.
While testing this program, it became evident that the missing THEN
was part of a general problem --- skipping a Basic expression. This
is harder than at first seems, because there is no point at where you
can say “yes, here is the end”, as you can in a procedural call, say
(e.g. you’ve found a comma, close ellipse and the bracket and quote
count is zero). E.g. how would you handle this:
IF a=b=c THEN P.“hello”
Intuition get’s it wrong. Basic treats this as:
IF (a=b) THEN =c ...
Which means you have to build a tree/stack. But, once you can do
this then this program could become quite interesting. It could
evaluate constant sub-expressions. This could produce some very
compact stuff, as you’d also be able to substitute constant variables
with their values, and even eliminate dead code. I.e. debugging
stuff that would never be executed because it is known that, say,
Debug is always FALSE.
But, tie that in with a bit more knowledge of the structure of the
Basic, and it is almost easy to generate not tokenised Basic, but
code. Well, I’m sure if enough people register, it will give this
author the incentive to develop BasCompress into the fastest (and
cheapest) Basic compiler.
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[8.3] Cross-reference
It would be nice to have a toggle between multi-line and single-line
(the current) output. This is fairly easy to do, but it’ll require
some experimentation!
Also handy could be some ordering based on label length, or even the
(approximate) size of a routine.
Some rationalisation of the messages used is in order, too.
Currently the program outputs some line feeds of its’ own accord,
which is decidedly against the grain.
How about not listing the file that a routine is in? Or just the
leaf of the filename. This would reduce the size of the output by
quite a lot. The former would require the user to cross-reference
(the cross-reference!) to find the file of the reference, though.
[8.4] Statistics
There are loads more statistics that could be done;
• libraries that aren’t needed
• variables only ever declared (e.g. LOCALised but
never used)
• variables only ever assigned to once (constants)
• lines where the memory indirection operators ?, | and
! are used
• don’t log all the deleted routines and variables,
just count them
• give a percentage of the code that is unused
• percentage compression achieved on the used code
• lines containing any user-defined basic token (e.g.
• time taken to load, parse, cross-reference, compress,
[8.5] Uncompressed output
It would have been nice if there was an option to just remove the
unused routines and merge all the libraries into one big file. This
would give a nice listable program containing only the routines
used. However this is currently unpossible, as BasCompress was never
intended to produce anything but compressed code. (There are many
places where “skip until hit non-space” is hard-coded, and it would
take a rather long time to rationalise these so you could toggle it
on/off.) Oh well.
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[8.6] Label reduction
The reduction of labels isn’t always as good as it could be.
Currently BasCompress only judges the fitness of a label to be
reduced on its’ global usage. A better algorithm would take into
consideration the nesting level of each usage, and use this to bias
the reduction of labels towards those used inside loops.
[8.7] Executable
The current situation, with two separate applications is far from
ideal. A better situation would be to have the back end program
inside a module. This would have the added bonus of not needing to
load in the Messages file every time it is run.
Better yet would be to have the whole thing as one big Wimp
application. Here many extras are possible because there would be
direct access to the cross-reference database. For example it could
create graphs of variable name distribution, provide the cross-
reference in it’s own window, where you could filter it given user
criteria (such as name matching a regexp AND usage>3). But I don’t
think so, do you?
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[A] Messages
[A.1] Internationalism united
For users of a foreign extractment, the Messages directory contains
the country-specific text files. Copy Default, to (say) Iceland and
edit the messages, and if that is the configured country of the
machine, then those messages will be loaded. Note it is sensible to
keep a Default file as this will be loaded if no file of the
configured country could be found.
If you do make a translated messages file, the author would
appreciate it greatly if you could send it in so every one can
[A.2] Format
The message format is fairly obvious --- just look at them to see
what can and can’t be done, but here’s a quick summary.
• Comments start with a #
• Messages names start on a new line, and end in a
• Messages start at the first non-space after the
colon, and finish at the end of the line
• Spaces can be done as “% ”
• Percents can be included using “%%”
• The “parameter”s %s and %d are supplied by
BasCompress, these are standard C printf() strings
• The standard C escape sequences \b, \t, \n, \r, \xXX,
\000, etc. can be used to insert those characters
inside the messages
• A message may be a selection: starts with a “%?” and
consists of a comma separated list of alternatives
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[B] Regular expressions
[B.1] Definition
A regular expression (RE) is a fancy wild-carding system – i.e. you
don’t need exact matches. A regular expression is really a
mini–programming language with the following “commands”:
. any character
^ start of line
$ end of line
[...] set of characters(*)
Any other character matches itself
There are also modifiers:
| or, “re1|re2” match either RE1 or RE2
~ not, “~c” matches anything but the next character
+ many, “re+” matches RE repeated one or more times
* repeat, “re+” matches RE repeated zero or more times
? optional, “re?” matches RE repeated zero or one times
Parenthesis () can be used to group REs
Finally, there are memories:
\{ begin recording
\} end recording, and place in next memory (starts with 1)
\<n> \1, ... \9 will then match the corresponding memory
(*) character sets:
Character sets are used to match one of a group of characters. All
characters are taken literally except “–”, “]”, and “\”. The “–”
indicates a range, unless it is the first or last character, or the
first character after a previous range. The “\” can be used to
include a “]” or a “–” in the set.